Popsugar: Are Eye Drops Still Safe to Use? Here's What the Latest FDA Recall Means

Popsugar - 11/2/23

Why Are So Many Eye Drops Being Recalled?

The FDA recently inspected manufacturing facilities that produce multiple private-label eye drops, typically made for large retail chains like Target, CVS, and Rite Aid, and found equipment contaminated with bacteria, says Sandra Brown, MD, an ophthalmologist and medical advisor to The Dry Eye Foundation. "When poor quality manufacturing is detected, such as bacterial contamination of equipment, many different brands of drops must be recalled at once," she explains.

If you're unsure which eye drops are safe to use, Dr. Brown recommends the Dry Eye Foundation search tool, which provides safety red flags and lists eye drops to avoid.

Additionally, if you believe your eye drops have caused irritation or infection in the past but your eyes feel normal now, you should still make an appointment with an eye-care provider sooner rather than later, Dr. Brown says. "Do not discard the drops, store them in a cool, dark location in a plastic bag that is clearly labeled 'Do Not Use,' and take the bottle with you to your appointment," she says.

-Andi Breitowich for Popsugar


Vision Monday: The Optical Community Weighs In on the Latest FDA Eye Drop Warning


Optometry Times: FDA waves red flag over eye drops for potential risk of eye infection